

International Trade Law, Policy and Services

Home Troy Lorde

Professor Troy Lorde

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies – Cave Hill, Barbados

Prof. Troy Lorde is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of the West Indies – Cave Hill. Prior to this, he was the Head of the Department of Economics, at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.  He completed the BSc Economics and Accounting at the UWI, an MA Economics at York University, Canada, and his PhD in Economics (specialisation in tourism) from the University of Surrey in the UK.

Prof. Lorde teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, co-supervises students working on their PhDs, and is an academic counsellor for undergraduate students.  Prof. Lorde is the Programme Coordinator of the MSc Financial and Business Economics in the the Department of Economics at Cave Hill and a Course Coordinator for undergraduate economics at the Open Campus of the UWI.  Currently, he is the Assistant Chief Examiner for the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) CAPE Economics.

Prof. Lorde’s main research interests are in the fields of international tourism, tourism demand, international trade, and international competitiveness.  He has published 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, prepared 7 technical reports and presented papers at 30 conferences.  Prof. Lorde has received a number of research grants and awards from the UWI.