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Home Senator Lisa Cummins

Senator Lisa Cummins

Executive Director, UWI Lumin Consulting (Barbados)

Senator Lisa Cummins is a Barbadian national, recently-appointed Senator to the Barbadian Parliament and Chair of the Barbados Port Authority.

Senator Cummins is currently the Executive Director of the UWI consulting group, Lumin Consulting, and is an International Trade Specialist by training.

She lived and served in the East African region from 2008 until 2011 where she served as Uganda’s lead technical adviser and a member of the negotiating team for services in the East African Community trade talks with Europe and the EAC Common Market. During that time, Senator Cummins worked on projects in East and Southern Africa for several development partners including the World Bank, UNCTAD, the European Union and Trade Mark East Africa. In her current role, she leads teams which provide advisory services to Caribbean institutions including the Planning Institute of Jamaica, the Development Bank of Jamaica, the Caribbean Development Bank and numerous regional Governments.