Jan Yves Remy PhD.
Director 1-246-417-4585 [email protected]
Dr Jan Yves Remy is the Director of the Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (the SRC), the premier trade institution of the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, dedicated to training, research and outreach on issues of regional and international trade. She coordinates and lectures under the SRC’s flagship Masters in International Trade Policy (MITP) programme, in the areas of international trade law and regional integration; spearheaded and introduced the SRC Trading Thoughts, SRC Policy Briefs and SRC Lunch Time Chats as part of the SRC’s signature outreach events; introduced the Distinguished Owen Seymour Arthur Memorial Lecture; and has developed a number of short courses for the SRC on trade-related topics; and writes frequently on issues arising under Caribbean development and trade law. Her areas of research include international and regional trade dispute settlement regimes, climate change and trade, trade and sustainability, WTO reform, trade and gender issues, e-commerce, regional integration and investment policy, in particular, how they affect small island developing states including those in the Caribbean.
She holds the position of WTO Chair at the University of the West Indies (Barbados), under the WTO’s Chair Programme; has served as a panelist in WTO trade disputes; and has been included on the panel roster to serve as arbitrator and/or Chair on a number of mechanisms under European and UK FTAs. She sits on a number of Boards – including the John Jackson Moot Court Advisory Board, the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Economic Law and the Special Advisory Board of the African Journal of International Economic Law. She is a Co-Founder of the Caribbean Women in Trade network. She is also a Co-Lead of the Remaking Global Trade for a Sustainable Future Project – a project aimed at reforming the international trade system to take into account sustainability concerns – which she leads together with Professors from Yale University and Tufts University. She is also the Founder of the Joint University Study Tour (JUST), which is an annual tour to Geneva bringing together postgraduate university students from around the world to network and visit Geneva-based missions and other international organizations.
Jan Yves currently serves as Co-President of TradeLab, a network of Universities across the world, modelled on students providing international trade and investment advice to beneficiaries, especially in developing countries.
Jan Yves holds an undergraduate degree in law from the University of the West Indies (Hons); a masters from the University of Cambridge (Hons); and a PhD (summa cum laude) from the Graduate Institute of Development Studies on the Role of the Caribbean Court of Justice in Caribbean integration.
She previously worked as Senior Associate at Sidley Austin LLP (Geneva and Washington D.C.) and before that as Legal Officer at the Appellate Body of the WTO (Geneva).
- PhD: International Law: The Role of the Caribbean Court of Justice (Original Jurisdiction) in Caribbean Integration” (summa cum laude) – Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland).
- LL.M in Commercial and International Law (Hons) – University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom).
- LL.B (Hons) – University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (Barbados).
- Bar Vocational Course a Inns of Court School of Law (London, United Kingdom).
Research Interests
- Caribbean Court of Justice
- E-commerce/Digital Trade
- Regional Integration
- WTO Dispute Settlement
- Gender and Trade
Select Publications/Presentations
- Working Paper FC/EU-LAC: The Promise of a Recalibrated Caribbean-European Union Partnership (co-authored with Junior Lodge) (2022) available here: (https://www.fundacioncarolina.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Especial_FC_EULAC_3_EN.pdf)
- Guest editor of Special Edition of Latin American Journal of Trade Policy on “Thematic Issue: Gender and Trade WCP” (co-edited with other WTO Chairs of Chile and Mexico) Available here: https://lajtp.uchile.cl/
- SRC Policy Brief entitled: “The Trade and Climate Change Interface: Initial Considerations for CARICOM” (co-authored by Rueanna Haynes and Kaycia Ellis-Bourne)Available here: https://secureservercdn.net/
- Introduction and Editorial: Exploring Contemporary Caribbean Global Political-Economic Relations: China in the Caribbean (2021) in Global Discourse An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs (co-authored with Dr Ronnie Yearwood) available here: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bup/gd/2021/00000011/00000004/art00001
- Caribbean Court of Justice: Digest of Case Law of Judgments in the Original Jurisdiction (available: https://ccj.org/the-digest-of-original-jurisdiction-cases/)
- Opinio Juris online blog on ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility, as applied to the WTO, July-August, 2021: https://www.ejiltalk.org/the-ilc-articles-at-20-introduction-to-the-symposium/
- Forthcoming book: “The Role of the Caribbean Court of Justice (Original Jurisdiction) in Regional Integration” (PhD manuscript) (Routledge)
- Book Chapter: “Rules for State Owned Enterprises” (Chapter 17) in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Balancing Market-Oriented Discipline and Policy for States(co-authored with Iain Sandford) (OUP)
- Book Chapter: “Development, Aid and Preferential Systems” in The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law(co-authored with Alicia Nicholls) (OUP)
- Chapter on “The Current State of Dispute Settlement at the WTO: How did we get here and What Next”? in Rethinking, Repackaging and Rescuing World Trade Law in the Post Pandemic Era(Hart Publishing)
- “Dispute Settlement at the WTO: How Did We Get Here and What’s Next for Commonwealth States?” Trade Hot Topics (Commonwealth Secretariat): (Issue 166/September 2020): Available at: https://thecommonwealth.org/sites/default/files/inline/THT_166_UPDF.pdf
- “Our Trade Vulnerability Index Explained: Why, What, How and What’s Next” Co-authored with Jason Cotton (CDB) (August 2020). Available at: https://www.afronomicslaw.org/2020/08/19/our-trade-vulnerability-index-explained-why-what-how-and-whats-next/
- “A Holistic Approach to Digital Trade: Closing the Digital Gender Divide” (2019) Co-authored with Chelcee Brathwaite. Available here:https://secureservercdn.net/
- “COVID-19 Makes the Case for Our Trade Vulnerability Index” (May 2020). (co-authored with Cotton, J. Jason, and Alicia Nicholls (Available at Afronomics Law Blog: https://www.afronomicslaw.org/2020/05/10/covid-19-makes-the-case-for-our-trade-vulnerability-index/)
- “The Belt and Road Initiative and the Caribbean-China Investment Policy Framework” in Caribbean Perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative (UWI-GLOBAL Belt and Road Research Bulletin, January 2020) (Co-authored with Alicia Nicholls)
- “Closing the Gender Divide Through Trade Rules” (October 2019), CIGI Publication
- “Mainstreaming Gender in Trade Agreements (October 2018), CIGI Publication
SRC Working Papers/Policy Documents (available at: https://shridathramphalcentre.com/src-research-papers/ )