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Home Kai-Ann Skeete PhD.

Kai-Ann Skeete PhD.

Trade Research Fellow 1-246-417-4884 kai-ann.skeete@cavehill.uwi.edu


Dr. Kai-Ann Skeete is the Trade Research Fellow at the Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade, Law, Policy and Services based at the UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. Her substantial training is in the field of International Relations, Trade and Political Science. Kai-Ann’s doctoral thesis dealt with the Caribbean’s approach to regional integration and advances recommendations on the governance of the labour regime from the Institute of International Relations, UWI St. Augustine, Trinidad.


Dr. Skeete’s research interests include CARICOM’s Forward Trade Agenda, Caribbean Regional Integration specifically the implementation, administration and monitoring of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), Caribbean Private Sector Forward Trade Agenda,  Geopolitics, Customs and Port Operations, Security Studies and Regional governance systems. Dr. Skeete’s recent publications include chapters or journal articles on Caribbean Small States Regionalism, CARICOM Diplomacy, Artificial Intelligence and CARICOM’s Enlargement.


Kai-Ann is a Caribbean regionalist and speaks French, Spanish and Italian and is always keen to learn other languages. Kai-Ann is the mother of 8 year old Joshua and in her free time, she devotes time to travelling around the world and discovering Caribbean culture.


  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Boot Camp
  • Economics of Innovation for the Caribbean Region
  • Research Supervision Development Programme
  • Executive Leadership Programme
  • Foundations for Successful Online Facilitation (FSOF).
  • PhD International Relations Specializing in Regional Integration
  • Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL)
  • International Relations Specialized in International Trade
  • International Relations (Major) Political Science (Minor) (Hons)
  • Associate Degree in Applied Arts French, Spanish and Italian for Business and Tourism (Merit)

Research Interests

  • Revising CARICOM’s Forward Trade Agenda.
  • CARICOM Free Movement of Labour Regime.
  • The CARICOM Single Market and Economy.
  • Contingent Rights.
  • Inclusive Security within the Caribbean.
  • Caribbean Geopolitical Analysis

Select Publications/Presentations

  • Skeete, K. (2024, June 28). History provides the gift of foresight. SRC Trading Thoughts.
  • Skeete, K. (2023, August 2023-June 2024). Working in the field of international affairs. Institute of International Relations at the UWI (IIR) Today, Issue 17.
  • Skeete, K. (2023). Small state, big table: The relevance of St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ election to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for small states in the multilateral system. In Handbook on Governance in International Organisations. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9781800884922.
  • Skeete, K. (2023, June 9). It’s time to overcome the borders and boundaries creating barriers. Kaieteur News.
  • Skeete, K. (2022, December). Exploring the relationship between trade and the blue economy. Export Barbados (BIDC) BioIsland, Issue 2. Bridgetown: Export Barbados (BIDC) – Barbados Investment and Development Corporation.
  • Skeete, K. (2022, June 2). Is this the CARICOM we want at 50? Trinidad Express.
  • Skeete, K. (2022, May 9). A call for young professionals to transition into the CSME as entrepreneurs. CARICOM Today.