
Category Archives: src-newsletter

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MITP Study Tour ‘24

On June 6, 2024, I was part of Cohort 21 from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Master of Scie...
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Apply Now !!!

Secure your future and get enrolled today. Become a leading trade expert with a Master’s in In...
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OACPS/EU Post-Cotonou Agreement – Text Initialing Ceremony, Brussels, April 15...
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A Woman In Charge

SRC, in collaboration with American University of Washington College of Law will be hosting a panel ...
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Job Opportunities

Please see the following job vacancies: Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Republic of Tr...
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Two Sugars, Please!

King Sugar has been the legacy of the Caribbean since its introduction to the region over 300 years ...
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A Regional Trade Agenda for CARICOM

The key characteristics of Caribbean trade challenges have been well documented. The region’s econ...
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